From our one step html code configuration page:

  1. Enter your App Name and API Auth Key to create the connection
  2. Set the “Thank You” page your Contact will see after he or she submits their files.
  3. Select the Tag you want to be applied to the Contact record upon successful submission.
  4. Click “GET HTML

The File2Box program generates two versions of the Copy & Paste code like you would see with a typical Infusionsoft Web Form – Styled or Unstyled.

*Note: The code CAN NOT be embedded into another Infusionsoft form. File size is limited to 8MG per file.

Simply place that HTML into any one of your website pages and you’ll have a place where your contacts can upload files.

A Little Preview

$39.95Setup Fee


File2Box requires a one time setup fee or $39.95 and a monthly recurring hosting fee of $9.95. Don’t have access or can’t edit your website? We offer customize solutions for clients. You can get in touch with us here for more information on an inexpensive custom implementation.

For ICCs and ICPs

We offer a free setup and monthly integration account. Click here to request your free File2Box Account (Current ICP/ICC Status Verification Required).

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